Optics is the future:
SAT Meter
VAROS 109 Optic
Fiber optic SAT signaling is a very complex and state-of-the-art technique that uses the VAROS 109 Optic to compare the optical signal with known parameters. The signal of the optical receiver from the output is fed to the RF measuring branch, so that optical receiving systems and distributions can be measured.
With optical signals, the level measurement is omitted. This is replaced by the evaluation of the optical power.
The Noise Margin Measurement (NM) and the Parcel Error Zero (PE) are also effective with optical signal feed. Thus, it is easy to optimally evaluate this signal routing.
During commissioning and troubleshooting, the final inspection is carried out in the same way with the image control, guaranteeing previously unattainable safety and precision—equipped for the visual future. As with a classic SAT IF network, all relevant parameters can be recorded and stored in measured value tables.

Optical receiver (SC / APC)
The VAROS 109 Optic is equipped as standard with an optical receiver. The following measurements / functions are possible:
Optical signals can also be documented.