KWS Electronic
Your expert partner for signal transmission:
All from a single source
KWS: Your partner for sophisticated measurement solutions
Based on high-performance hardware, KWS offers test equipment for technicians who value long-term preservation and high security in their investment.
The demands placed on RF measurement technology in times of increasing digitalization are constantly increasing. You will need professional equipment, with which you are equipped for the tasks and technologies of tomorrow.
As a well-established provider of measurement technology solu-tions, we understand the challenges of the market—and more than meet them with expandable, adaptable and groundbreaking measuring instruments.
KWS offers sophisticated concepts and product lines for every user group and every technical problem.
What all our products have in common is the demand for quality, setting new standards in terms of innovation, precision and handling. With trend-setting technologies, high measuring accuracy and user-friendly handling we have been successfully implementing this claim for many years.
Put your trust in KWS’ comprehensive know-how and many years of experience. And count on innovations that pay off.
Innovation protects investment: With KWS measuring instruments, you are always up to date: today, tomorrow and in future.
Hardware meets Software: KWS and AND
Since the end of 2018, KWS has belonged to the group of companies around the AND Solution GmbH from Munich
AND has been the market leader for many years with the software solution of the same name for planning, documentation and operational support of the entire lifecycle in all kinds of access networks. Both companies offer solutions for the same areas of signal transmission: from installation companies to network operators.
Not only do the two partners complement each other perfectly, but the cooperation between the development departments can also open up completely new possibilities and product areas that were previously not part of the portfolio.
An example of this cooperation: The perfect interaction of KWS’ network-capable measuring instruments and network documentation from AND allow previously unattainable efficiency in setting, checking and troubleshooting in every HFC network.
The direct comparison of target values and actual values at any measuring point helps to avoid errors and optimize network performance. The automated documentation of the measured values supports this and also minimizes the effort.
Another chapter in KWS’ success story has thus begun. With many advantages for existing and future customers. Welcome to KWS!
KWS is part of a network that offers solutions for every HFC network operator from a single source.

German Engineering: Technical excellence with tradition
Precise, reliable, mature, tested…Our measuring instruments are typically German. The term “German Engineering” stands worldwide as a seal of quality, identifying products of the highest standards and sustainable value.
At KWS, not only product development, but also manufacturing is strictly based on these proven principles of technical excellence. This makes KWS a reliable partner for everyone who values top quality.
For example, all soldering is leadfree and environmentally friendly, so that the components used achieve their maximum service life. The same applies to optical and electrical assembly testing: only 100 % tested modules are used for new equipment, but also for retrofitting and repairs.
All KWS measuring instruments are serviced and calibrated with high-precision calibration standards.
But our quality standards do not stop with the hardware: The operating concept of our test equipment portfolio , which has been tried and proven over many years, is constantly being further developed. And every customer can update the device software independently and, of course, free of charge.
The combination of these factors guarantees an extraordinary product quality, behind which we stand with our name.
At KWS, the highest quality is the standard: you can rely on our equipment. And you can rely on us as your partner for test and measurement technology.
Im Kabelnetz kommt auch die Zukunft immer schneller.
KWS hat genau die Messtechnik-Lösungen, die Netzbetreiber und Serviceunternehmen jetzt brauchen.
Waren Kabelnetzbetreiber früher lediglich Lieferanten des Fernseh- und Hörfunk-Signals über technisch verhältnismäßig einfach strukturierte Anlagen, sind die Anforderungen in den letzten Jahren enorm gestiegen. Zeitgemäße Breitbandnetze erfordern die Konkurrenzfähigkeit zu Telekommunikationsdienstleistern. Zunehmender Bandbreitenbedarf, Quality of Service und DOCSIS 3.1 zählen hier zu den entscheidenden Aspekten.
Mit der höheren Komplexität steigt der Dokumentationsaufwand stetig an, spezifische Workflows müssen dabei stets berücksichtigt werden.
Der Wandel von Koax zu Glasfaser etabliert sich als permanenter Prozess – dabei müssen bestehende Anlagen und Netze natürlich weiterhin souverän beherrscht und verlässlich gewartet werden. So gewinnen auch bessere und intelligentere Lösungen in der Messtechnik zunehmend an Bedeutung. Und genau hier kommt KWS ins Spiel – mit unserer Erfahrung und Kompetenz sind wir der gewinnbringende Partner für alle Netzbetreiber und Serviceunternehmen.
Setzen Sie auf einen Anbieter, der die aktuellen Herausforderungen der Branche tatsächlich kennt. Und dessen Produkte nicht nur heute »State of the art« sind, sondern in die Zukunft weisen.
Bei KWS ist höchste Qualität Standard: Bunter, schneller, schärfer – ständig mehr: Moderne Access-Netze sind der Puls der Zeit. Mit KWS haben Sie den Wandel im Griff.

Professional work as easy as possible
The right technical equipment makes all the difference. Installations of all kinds “around the house” are your profession— and the topics of satellite, CATV, DTV, DAB+, return channel, etc. are certainly no small part of your responsibilities.
In the areas of network, reception and distribution technology, the tasks are becoming increasingly complex and the technological possibilities increasingly sophisticated—such as optical signal transmission. Electrical engineering has thus become electronic technology.
It is not easy not to lose contact here. Moreover, solid added value can only be achieved with competent solutions. Not to mention the pressure of time and costs. The right measuring instrument for finding errors and eliminating faults is the be-all and end-all here.
At KWS, we understand the problems you face and speak your language.
With a KWS test eqipment, you acquire a future-proof and expandable platform. This not only includes our continuous updates of the device firmware, which you can download easily and free of charge and install yourself quickly. The decisive factor is the flexibility of the hardware.
Whether current developments or new standards—our products can be upgraded over many years. This secures your investment and you can also measure the current state of the art in the future with the device you are familiar with.
Trust is good, control is better: with measuring instruments from KWS, you are always on the safe side.
Service is a top priority at KWS
Even after purchasing a KWS device, you can count on us and our support
Take advantage of our service offers not only during the warranty period, but also afterwards. KWS service guarantees you a repair claim free of charge for all damages to the device caused by manufacturing defects within 24 months of purchase. Even after this warranty has expired, we will provide you with inexpensive and quick repairs in our service center. We provide spare parts for at least eight years after delivery. And don’t forget the possibility of retrofitting your measuring instrument!
For the time of repair or retrofitting, we can provide you with a rental unit—so that you can continue working. Ask us for more information at any time, we are there for you.
Get in touch with us: be it with the online form for spare part inquiries on our website or with product advice from one of our competent contacts on the phone—we are your technical partner for sophisticated measurement solutions and precise signal analysis in data transmission.
The purchase of a measuring instrument from KWS will be the beginning of a wonderful friendship—you can count on us.
Get the best out of your KWS measuring instrument
At KWS, we offer you first-hand training—from professionals for professionals
It is very important to us that you actually exploit the technical capabilities of your KWS equipment. That’s why we offer a wide range of training courses and seminars.
In addition to product launches at wholesalers and electric guilds, training courses for all types of equipment as well as CATV and technology seminars are part of our extensive range.
We always combine the imparting of theoretical knowledge with the application in daily practice. Benefit from the technical competence and the profound wealth of experience of our speakers.
In our device-specific trainings, the participating technicians learn the basics for simple and uncomplicated problem solving on site. The operation of the measuring instruments and the interpretation of measured values are comprehensively explained. Fault simulations are used to simulate faults in a practical manner. Topics such as the evaluation and use of constellation diagrams and NIT tables are also explained in this context.
Our technology seminars are aimed at users with appropriate prior knowledge and address topics such as DOCSIS, optical transmission or upstream measurements as well as theoretical basics of RF transmission and common modulation types.
Knowledge as a competitive advantage: We make you fit with know-how that pays off.